Monday, April 9, 2007

Day two - Anubis

Anubis' heart is happy over the work of his hands

and the heart of the Lord of the Divine Hall is thrilled
when he beholds this good god,
Master of those that have been and Ruler over those that are to come.
- The Coffin Texts
, Spell 197

This is a souvenir pen I bought at the Luxor in Las Vegas last year.


loremipsum said...


loremipsum said...

I had more to say but I messed up my comment window. However, I think "hawt" kinda covered it all in one nice summary anyways, so we'll leave it un-amended.

Unknown said...

...and I can't see any dust on it?! Good lighting and a clever use of border to enhance the object.

kimbomac said...

Great macro, since it looks way bigger than a pen. Nice low-key shot...

Ziaphra said...

Nice low key.

budmulla said...

nice azngle and lovley low-key type shot... well done